United Methodist Women
The Harrison UMC unit of the United Methodist Women Welcomes You!
United Methodist Women is an international Mission Organization which was started in 1869 by a small group of ladies in a missionary group who got very upset to learn that women in India were given no medical care at all because they were not allowed to be seen by a Male Doctor. As a result, money was collected, more missionary societies were organized and the first female doctor was sent over. This evolved into an organization for the care of Women and Children. When the Methodist Church combined with the United Brethren and became United Methodists, the Wesleyan Service Guild and Women’s Society of Christian Service combined to become United Methodist Women. All United Methodist Churches are encouraged to have a unit, as they do a lot of Mission Work.
Members make a pledge to the work which is spread all over the world – a local example is the Bethlehem Center on 38th Street. Local members pledge whatever amount they wish and part of this goes to the Chattanooga (Scenic South) District, then on to Holston Conference to be sent wherever needed. The District and Conference also sponsor mission trips where members go and work. Our group also contributes to all the projects sponsored by our local church.
All ladies are very welcome to join us at any time – You don’t have to be a church member or even a Methodist. Our local unit meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month, at 10:00 a.m. in Peck Hall, which is the building next door to the Sanctuary.
Mission Leadership
Vice President